Addicted Gambler's Impacts onto their Family Members

The Gambler's gambling conditions has caused you﹕

  • 1.

    Always in a state of trepidation

  • 2.

    Feel the drop of living standard of your family

  • 3.

    Has the suicidal thoughts

  • 4.

    Lend money from relatives and friends in order to pay his/her debts

  • 5.

    Feel a sense of pride

  • 6.

    Attempt suicide in order to change him / her

  • 7.

    Sell your property in order to repay his / her debts

  • 8.

    Consult family doctors / psychiatrists

  • 9.

    Argue with him / her

  • 10.

    Feel appreciated and respected

  • 11.

    Troubled by Loan-sharks

  • 12.

    Feel humiliated

  • 13.

    Feel a sense of insecurity

  • 14.

    Neglect your own needs and family needs

  • 15.

    Feel good and spirit glows

  • 16.

    Ever hurting yourself

  • 17.

    Conceal the gambling facts to friends and relatives

  • 18.

    Affect your own work

  • 19.

    Has emotional problems

  • 20.

    Feel the family's living standard has been raised

  • 21.

    Feel being defeated and failed badly

Note:The accuracy of the assessment questionnaire needs to be discussed with the counselor
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