Gamblers Go Back

To whom it may concern,


I would like to grasp this chance to express my gratitude and encouragement to Caritas A G Counselling Centre. Your contribution and dedication are the support and assistance for the gamblers and their families. And I realize that engaging in this field is a long-term commitment. I think there must be different kinds of pressure that you bear, which is not understandable by the other. Yet, I believe that you have helped a lot of people in need with your infinite care. Although the result of your effort may not be shown instantly, the seeds of love must have been sown on their hearts. And one day, the seeds can be germinated in an appropriate environment, having a new lease of life.


At last, in order to show my support of your dedication, I would like to encourage everyone in the Centre by this: "Go ahead with both feet on the ground, endure the challenges ahead patiently, and you will realize the bridge of greatness and trivialness, is charity."


The Chans

23rd May 2005

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