Gamblers Go Back

Once I had time and little money, I would go gambling. And no matter I won or lost, I would continue to gamble and then I was addicted to gambling. When I betted, I felt more exciting when the stakes were higher; however, I was not happy at all. There were only the senses of gambling repeated in my head but nothing else; I was always entangled among excitement and infuriation. When I lost, I would be very upset, yet it was too late to regret. I lost everything in gambling: my prospects, money, time, family and friendship.


After I watched the real cases from a TV program produced by RTHK called "Lost and Win", I tried to phone the gamblers hotline and finally reached Caritas A G Counselling Centre. The counsellor inspired me to self-examine my situation and helped me to understand the cause and the consequence of my gambling problem. As if awakened me from a dream, I understood that I had to quit gambling in order to get out from the bad situation. She also taught me to put down my past hurt, face the future bravely and be a new person.


Since I quitted gambling, I have changed obviously. I will not go gambling when I have money just like I did before. Contrarily, I know how to control myself not to gamble. In the past, I was controlled by gambling but not by myself; now I can choose to gamble or not on my own and I have rebuilt the self-esteem. Now I feel much comfortable like floating on a quite sea, I don't want to win back the money again. I feel less stressful and I love to join family activities very much.


Indeed, although one did something wrong, he/she can turns over a new leaf. Gambling can only shadow people's minds but when you find your goal, then you can forget about gambling. I am now studying several courses and planning to go overseas to broaden my horizons when I have saved enough money up. I also wish to further my studies and complete the programme in university. Actually, gambling is begun with the mind of greediness, I would like those gamblers opening up their minds and deserve their excellent lives. In the meanwhile, I wish gamblers' family can give gamblers a chance and encourage them to receive counselling service, then they can rebuild their new lives.

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