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Act as a parent, the duty that God gave you is to nurture your children and protect them from harm, there are no one else can take this responsibility.


However, addicted to gambling makes you neglect your children's needs and makes your children live under a disturbing and insecure environment, it can have far-reaching consequence. A family tragedy happened in Tai Po yesterday, the mother committed suicide with her daughter due to gambling debts. And now the daughter is died while the mother is in severe condition. This tragedy sternly points out the serious and terrible result brought by problem gambling.


As an organization which provides intervention programs and counselling services to the gamblers, our counsellors had interviewed more than 500 problem gamblers in 11 months. The experience tells us that if the gamblers can confront with the situation, they can solve any problems.


Therefore, we request you earnestly to consider your children and your family, don't addict to gambling again. Share the time and money, which was spent on gambling before, with your children. If you encounter any difficulties in quitting gambling, you can contact our counsellors on 1834633.


Hope you have good health and a happy family life.




Caritas A G Counselling Centre

17th September 2004

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